Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hard to Concentrate

Sorry I've failed to update my blog for a while. My father has been in the Intensive Care Unit at OSF and I've spent most of my time there. It's hard to concentrate on much of anything when you're in a place so filled with mourning and fear...



  1. I know how you feel- that's so hard. My Grandpa was in the Neuro ICU at OSF for three weeks from January 4th, and then he went home with hospice care to gradually pass away at home. I missed the first week of this class because I was literally living at the hospital, and then the next few weeks after that I was trying to be with him at his home as much as possible. I'll be praying for your Dad, for you, and for your family-- that your Dad would be okay and will heal steadily, that you'll be able to get through everything that you need to for ICC and that your instructors would be kind and understanding, and most of all that you and your family will be filled with strength and peace and be able to rest. What a tough situation! Hope you're doing okay.

  2. By the way, if I can help in any way (bring your family a meal, etc.) PLEASE let me know! My email address is

  3. Thank you, Ellen! He's doing much better, right now, but it's still an uphill battle.
