Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sexy - Jhumpa Lahiri

"Sexy" by Jhumpa Lahiri was a phenomenally powerful tale of how people deal with a spouse's infidelity, and the other member of the relationship looking for the same feeling outside of the original relationship.

The character of Mir
anda struggles with the fact that her husband followed a woman off of the plane that he was on when he was supposed to be heading home, leaving Miranda alone with herself. She meets a man named Devajit (Dev) and begins a new and exciting relationship with. She and Dev go from the thrill of the newness, the bickering and mediocrity and the begin of the decline of such a relationship, all the way to finding out that it isn't working out at all.

The central theme of the story as I see it though, is identity. Miranda hadn't identified herself as sexy since she had gotten married and felt even worse after her husband left her for a stranger on an airplane. When Dev began to call h
er sexy, she felt loved, beautiful, new, all over again. She was identified once again as something special. Sexy.

Dev, on the other hand is only identifying her as sexy because he knows he can get her to do anything when he says that. He never truly means what he tells Miranda, but she believes it. He identifies her as a mistress. Miranda does her best to keep her relationship with Dev, but it deteriorates because of Dev's waning interest in Miranda. A relationship is impossible to keep from falling apart if both parties are in it for different reasons. Along with the relationship as a whole, those identities also tend to decay, leaving people as single, and often incomplete. Miranda doesn't let that happen to her. Her relationship with Dev proved to her that men still find her attractive and to be a woman of great beauty, and she is able to tell herself once again that SHE is sexy.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Persimmons - Li-Young Lee

To Lee when he is young, persimmons and precision are simply two words he mixes up, but as he ages, persimmons are synonymous with precision.

"How to choose
persimmons. This is precision.
Ripe ones are soft and brown-spotted.
Sniff the bottoms. The sweet one
will be fragrant. How to eat:
put the knife away, lay down newspaper.
Peel the skin tenderly, not to tear the meat.
Chew the skin, suck it,
and swallow. Now, eat
the meat of the fruit,
so sweet,
all of it, to the heart."

Realizing that the selection of a persimmon is the essence of precision, he sees that words that are given specific, individual meaning when we are young are sometimes things we associate with one another when we're older. He does this with other words: Fight and flight, wren and yarn. Their meanings then are far more concrete than the meanings we give them now.

The world of the memory is what Lee is examining in "Persimmons". He is showing how things can change as we age and as we remember them. Things we give meaning to in our memories can often change the way we see them in the time we find ourselves in now. Finding this balance of past and present is what keeps those memories alive and so important to us as who we are. We can't let the things that change the way we think disappear from our memories. Persimmons are precision. Memories can be the defining moments that shape what we believe if we let them.

Lady Lazarus - Sylvia Plath

Plath's romanticizing suicide is part of what made her so famous, but why did she write about it so much? It is widely known that she attempted suicide numerous times in her life, the final attempt being successful, but what made her so volatile?

Experts say that a lot of her behaviour is rooted in her distain for her father's untimely death. She was only 8 years old when he passed and she was left with feelings of abandonment and she took his death personally, as if he meant for her to feel pain from his passing.

She often makes reference to her German heritage (from her father's side), much of the references being right in the middle of Lady Lazarus.

"A sort of walking miracle, my skin
Bright as a Nazi lampshade, My right foot  A paperweight, My face a featureless, fine Jew linen..."
Plath feels that she is being somehow persecuted by her father (who is of German decent), seeing him as a German officer and her as a Jewish person, his victim.  In a sense she is rejecting him as relative to her, saying in a way, that she is not a part of him, except for how he hurt her.
A large part of her desire to die came from feelings of a
bandonment, and her wonder with the world of killing one's self is demonstrated in "Lady Lazarus" as much as her reasons for her attempts.  The saddest part of all of this is that a few short months after she wrote this poem, she finally succeeded on her fourth attempt to take her own life at the young age of 30.

Monday, April 18, 2011

kitchenette building -- Gwendolyn Brooks

When reading the poem "kitchenette building" by Gwendolyn Brooks, the images that are portrayed are stunning. The pictures of things like the "white and violet fight" between fried potatoes and onions and the fifth person getting out of the bathroom and hoping only to get lukewarm water to bathe in are so vivid that you feel like you are stepping into that world. I have a deep appreciation for writers who can make you see their mental images, even more so toward poets who can do this, because it's always a challenge to show someone something in (typically) fewer words, and often, fragments.

Brooks' portrayal of a poor family in Bronzeville is nothing short of precise and the first stanza is phenomenally relevant to this very day.

"We are things of dry hours and the involuntary plan,
"Grayed in, and gray. "Dream" makes a giddy sound, not strong
"Like "rent," "feeding a wife," "satisfying a man."

Living in a world where money is something that is little seen, but the impact of its absence is detrimental, dreaming is frivolous or giddy. The idea of paying what bills you can and feeding your family and doing everything in your power to provide for them is really all you have on your mind. The entire thing contradicts the "American Dream" as it were, but sadly proves that the "American Dream" is close to being nothing more than a myth. It is only those rare few from the lowest parts of society who manage to rise up to the same ranks of the bourgeois upper-class who keep this myth alive. The truth is, dealing with life in the real world can leave you penniless in the end. This poem manages to perfectly demonstrate this truth in its opening.

The world of being poor isn't something that is easily risen from. Poverty is about keeping your head above the water, hoping you never fall below and drown in the hard work that barely gets you by.

"For every talent that poverty has stimulated it has blighted a hundred." --John Gardner

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Negro Speaks of Rivers -- Langston Hughes

The image of a river brings about thoughts of crashing waves, ships being tossed about, and water being breathed onto the shoreline. This poem by Langston Hughes brought about a different image of a river: the human spirit.

"I've known rivers:
"I've known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins.

"My soul has grown deep like the rivers.

"I bathed in the Euphrates when dawns were young.
"I built my hut near the Congo and it lulled me to sleep.
"I looked upon the Nile and raised the pyramids above it.
"I heard the singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln
"went down to New Orleans, and I've seen its
"muddy bosom turn all golden in the sunset

"I've known rivers:
"Ancient, dusky rivers.

"My soul has grown deep like the rivers."

The human spirit flows, as does this poem, with rich history. Every human is tied to their ancestry, and in reading this poem and many of his others, I feel that Hughes feels a very tight bond to his ancestors and his history. It paints a beautiful picture of the perception of man with his past and being a part of it through knowing history. If a man knows where he came from, he can better know where he is going.

"In this bright future you can't forget your past."
--Bob Marley

"The future influences the present just as much as the past"
--Friedrich Nietzsche

Monday, March 7, 2011

Oread -- H.D.

"Whirl up, sea—
whirl your pointed pines,
splash your great pines
on our rocks,
hurl your green over us,
cover us with your pools of fir."

As far as Hilda Doolittle's work goes, Oread was a personal favourite of mine when I read it. Being that much of H.D.'s work is based off of Greek mythology, felt that in reading it (before doing any research whatsoever) I felt that it had a great connection to the nymphs and their tales. After doing said research, I found that I was correct in my thinking. I discovered that an Oread (being the title of the piece) is a mountain nymph, a nymph itself being a minor goddess that inhabits either woodlands or seas.

H.D.'s work is an outcry of feminine strength from women whose names are written in history, but whose words were few. H.D. felt that her job was to be the voice of these women and say the things that they weren't able to. Of course, whether or not the women she wrote of were fictional had no bearing on the power behind her writing. She was a voice of even the product of mythos, who in turn were the voice of women as a whole for the past, present, and future.

The nymphs, being considered a minor goddess, seem at first glance to not get much of a word from H.D., but after further reading, one takes note that there is more force in what the nymphs are able to say in these six lines than many people can say in an entire novel. They are given the power of the forest they reign over, washing the masses over with evergreen and woodland fern. In these few words, they are given the power to knock down even the seemingly more powerful hunter and huntress who would be within the confines of their trees. With this power seems to read the chaos of the seas being utilized by the serene woods.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hard to Concentrate

Sorry I've failed to update my blog for a while. My father has been in the Intensive Care Unit at OSF and I've spent most of my time there. It's hard to concentrate on much of anything when you're in a place so filled with mourning and fear...
